
Pelah Comics

Pelah Comics, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pelah Entertainment Group, is a Cartoon/Animated based character, created on a library of characters featured on a variety of platforms. Pelah Comics specializes in creating universally enjoyable animation stories that are set in imaginative worlds and feature compelling characters that will leave indelible impressions on our readers and viewers, long after it ends. Pelah Comics utilizes its ground–breaking computer graphics design and character–building storytelling mastery in animation entertainment, licensing, and publishing.

Primary Line of Business: Comic Books, Cartoon/Animation Shows, and Feature movies. Services: Animated Video Production, Visual Effects, Animated Commercials, Graphic Design, 2D/3D Animation.

Pelah Comics

Pelah Comics, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pelah Entertainment Group, is a Cartoon/Animated based character, created on a library of characters featured on a variety of platforms. Pelah Comics specializes in creating universally enjoyable animation stories that are set in imaginative worlds and feature compelling characters that will leave indelible impressions on our readers and viewers, long after it ends. Pelah Comics utilizes its ground–breaking computer graphics design and character–building storytelling mastery in animation entertainment, licensing, and publishing.

Primary Line of Business: Comic Books, Cartoon/Animation Shows, and Feature movies. Services: Animated Video Production, Visual Effects, Animated Commercials, Graphic Design, 2D/3D Animation.