
Elevating Entertainment: Where
Every Story Sparks a Connection

Amid our extensive portfolio, a mix of network, studio, and streaming brands enthrall, educate,

and rejuvenate audiences. This collection represents a commitment to captivating storytelling,

enriching education, and revitalizing experiences, providing a multifaceted engagement that

resonates with viewers worldwide.

Crow+ Streaming

Crowplus, a subsidiary of Pelah Entertainment Group, is a premium streaming service that offers a wide variety of TV shows, Movies, Anime, Documentaries, and more. Accessible on multiple internet–connected devices, you can watch as much as you want, whenever you want, with and without commercials. There’s always something new to discover; there’s always something for everyone on Crowplus.

Primary Line of Business: DTH- Direct To Home Broadcasting via Satellite.


CrowHub, is a subsidiary of Pelah Entertainment Group, It is a Satellite/Cable premium Tv network that offers a wide variety of TV shows, Movies, Anime, Documentaries, and more. Accessible 24/7 a wk on DTH(Direct-To-Home), you can watch as much as you want, whenever you want, with commercials.

There’s always something new to discover; there’s always something for everyone on CrowHub.

Pelah Art College

Pelah Arts College is hands on deck Arts and Multimedia College. It is created to offer practical courses, designed by industry experts across the board for Arts and Multimedia ranging from Acting, Videography, Video Editing, Sound production, Script writing, etc, for both aspiring filmmakers and industry experts looking to expand or advance their skillset. Pelah Arts College works to create learning experiences for talent at various points in their creative and production journey.

Primary Line of Business: Arts and Multimedia School. Services: Acting, Videography, Video Editing, Sound Engineering/Production, Script Writing.

Pelah Production

Pelah Productions was formed with the aim of creating original and inspiring content that showcases a pioneering and progressive Africa, through a range of co-production partnerships with local and international Studios, Broadcasters, and Platforms. The organization is creating content strongly rooted in Africa and connected to a global audience. Pelah Productions is building upon Pelah Entertainment Group’s legacy of inclusive African narratives, but the mission to shape the industry landscape will continue for decades to come. Primary Line of Business: Production of Original Audio/Visual content for Pelah Entertainment brands and her Partners. Services: Production of Feature Movies, Production of TV shows, Documentaries, Anime, Music Videos, and lots more…

Pelah Studios

The Pelah Studios is Pelah Entertainment Group’s facility for film and television productions of all genres, offering an impressive array of sound stages, state-of-the-art post-production facilities, and world–class support services amid an inspiring setting. Pelah Studios is committed to providing secure and convenient connectivity to productions, at our various locations. The Studios has integrated state-of-the-art sound mixing and ADR (Automated Dialog Replacement) at the facility.


Primary Line of Business: Audio/Visual production studios. Services: Audio/Visual services, Post-Production Services, Large Chroma Studio.

Pelah Comics

Pelah Comics, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pelah Entertainment Group, is a Cartoon/Animated based character, created on a library of characters featured in a variety of platforms. Pelah Comics specializes in creating universally enjoyable animation stories that are set in imaginative worlds and feature compelling characters that will leave indelible impressions on our readers and viewers, long after it ends. Pelah Comics utilizes its ground–breaking computer graphics design and character–building storytelling mastery in animation entertainment, licensing, and publishing.

Primary Line of Business: Comic Books, Cartoon/Animation Shows, and Feature movies. Services: Animated Video Production, Visual Effects, Animated Commercials, Graphic Design, 2D/3D Animation.

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